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How it Works

Easy Buying Steps:

  1. Pick goods from Taobao.com
  2. Add items to your order / shopping cart by filling form at 'Place Order'
  3. Pay for your order (Online / Offline)
  4. We buy from Taobao Seller
  5. Item arrive at hub and we update you the exact weight and Intl Shipping Fee
  6. You pay for Intl Shipping Fee
  7. We send item to you
  8. You receive item and post review for points!

If you are not familiar about the buying process, below is a 9-slide story of how Jason surprises his friend with a really unique watch. (Approximate reading time: 2 minutes)

1 of 9. Pick your Goods

Jason wants to buy a really unique watch for his buddy. He goes to Taobao.com and search for it. He surfs and searches, and he finally finds it. He's happy. :-)

2 of 9. Fill a Form

He goes to the order page to fill up his order. He puts in the price, the China Local Shipping Charges, the name and web address. Since the seller provide two colors, black and brown, he inserts 'Black color' in the 'Package/Options' field. And he leaves a thank you comment in the remark box for the seller.

3 of 9. Pay for Goods

Jason submits the form and sees the summary of fees at checkout. Since his purchase is below the basic amount, he is paying the Basic Handling Fee. Jason chooses to pay by bank transfer. So he goes to his MB2U page and make the transfer to the account number shown in his order. Then, he goes to his order page and click 'Update Payment' to update his payment information.

4 of 9. Order from Seller

Aerobeans saw Jason's payment information and confirmed that his payment is received. Then, all the work starts in the background. Aerobeans takes Jason's order and communicate with the seller to check out if it is available, and also check if the seller is a reliable one before placing order.

5 of 9. Goods Delivered to Hub

The Taobao seller receives payment from Aerobeans and sends Jason's order to Aerobeans' hub in Guangzhou.

6 of 9. Pay for International Delivery

Our friends in Guangzhou hub weighs Jason's parcel and tells us his parcel is 1.2kg in total. Aerobeans updates Jason's order about the parcel's weight and his International Shipping Charge. Since his parcel is not in the Sensitive Goods list, he pays for 2kg of the normal rate to West Malaysia.

7 of 9. Goods Delivered from Hub

Aerobeans receives Jason's payment and our friends in Guangzhou hub sends his parcel to the airliner. One hour later, Jason's parcel is 33,000 feet above sea level.

8 of 9. Reached!

A few hours later, the airliner touches down in KLIA. Jason's parcel is sent for Customs Clearance. The customs are happy with his parcel, so he is not taxed. Then, our friends in KLIA sends it to the responding regional hub and few days later, Jason receives his parcel! He's happy :-)

9 of 9. Review to Earn Points

Jason surprises his friend with the unique gift, his friend is really happy about it. He logs on to Aerobeans to post a review about his purchase and earns points. :-)
And here comes the end of Jason's story.